
I'm Venkatesh

a software engineer.

I am an engineering student with strong passion for tech. I like automating daily simple tasks.


Computers have always piqued my interest. I am currently pursuing a BEng in Computer Science in Bits Pilani Dubai campus. Right now i am working on some Python scripting projects.

a picture of myself
Computer gif


I enjoy making stuff with code. I would spend two hours writing code to automate a two-minutes task. A.I and Machine learning fascinates me.

Reading gif


"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies". This quote got me into reading. I love to read books, mostly self help and fiction. I try to read 50 books every year.


While we are good with smoke signals, there are simpler ways for us to connect.

Have a question or want to work together? Feel free to send me a message.